Imiphumela yosesho ye-'microorganisms'

Amandla Ama-Microbial Agents ekuphathweni kwe-Potato Postharvest: I-Frontier Entsha Ekuthuthukisweni Kwama-Supply Chain

Amandla Ama-Microbial Agents ekuphathweni kwe-Potato Postharvest: I-Frontier Entsha Ekuthuthukisweni Kwama-Supply Chain

#Potatoindustry #Postharvestmanagement #Microbialagents #Supplychainoptimization #Diseasemanagement #Cropconditions #Sustainableagriculture #Biocontrol #Environmental-friendly #Agriculturalinnovation Microbes have long been recognized for their beneficial effects in agriculture, including their ability to promote plant growth, enhance nutrient ...

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